Reducing Food And Packaging Waste With Occo’s Recyclable Packaging


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Gone is the dusty spice jar with muted flavor, color and scents crammed in the back of the pantry. Occo’s recyclable packaging are sleek card decks that come neatly packed with eight single-serving portioned spice pods which are grouped and placed into cardboard cards that look akin to birthday cards or tiny books – making storage, reference and recovery easy peasy!

The card decks are 100% curbside recyclable, with the cards made from paper and the pods from aluminum. The Fuseneo team also kept in mind that since most aluminum recycling plants are primarily designed for cans, the Occo pods were designed so they don’t (literally) fall through the cracks. The empty pods are intended to be easily crushed and dropped into an aluminum can and simply tossed into your curbside aluminum recycling bin.