How Do You Brand Food For Customers That Don’t Get Hungry? Nestle’s Vital Pursuit Takes Early Shot At CPG Marketing Towards GLP-1 Patients


Nestle has announced a new brand called Vital Pursuit, designed for people who manage their weight using GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy. The new range of frozen meals is one of the earliest examples of a brand aimed at users of these medications. The brand will launch with 14 different entrees, which feature portions and recipes designed to support GLP-1 patients, emphasizing its protein and fiber content.

The use of Glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists has become increasingly popular in America. According to a recent survey by pollster KFF, one in twelve adults have tried a GLP-1 drug in the past, and 6% report they are currently taking one.

Although GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic are intended to treat type-2 diabetes and obesity in conjunction with lifestyle and dietary changes, this class of drugs is being used by other patients without diabetes or at an obese-level weight. It was only a matter of time before CPG firms jumped at the chance to market a product that speaks to America’s latest and greatest weight loss quick-fix fad. Vital Pursuit is the newest in a lineage of CPG brands capitalizing on our desire to slim down, just like the Snackwells, Atkins, Lean Cuisines, and Slim Fasts of the past.