If you were to hear someone randomly exclaim, “what a dirt bag,” you’d probably think they were talking about a shady character. But consider this: what if they were talking about an actual bag of dirt, and in a complimentary way?
“What a dirt bag” is actually the perfect reaction to Poolboy Studio’s eco-friendly soil packaging for BWH Plant Co. They used a recyclable, plastic-like material called Sugarflex to hold the brand’s rich, high-quality varieties of dirt in a bag that more or less came straight from it.
Beyond the bag’s clever, sustainable substrate, the design is an immediate attention-getter. Big, loud sans serif announces the contents of each brightly colored bag, and not without having a little fun with some wordplay and cute, understated icons. Each bag is a little silly, and maybe even kind of rude, but underneath the dirt is a palpable heart of gold.