Sowvital’s Fedrigoni Packaging Makes Gardening Look More Chic Than Ever


Sowvital makes gardening look chic with high-quality tools, cans, grow kits, and more. While the products themselves are elegantly designed, smart packaging from Leslie David Studio impeccably shows them off. Understated tool boxes juxtapose the product’s silhouette next to timeless serif, while the grow boxes are covered in a garden patch of naturalistic floral details. Embossed Fedrigoni paper adds extra luxury to the final product.

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From Sowvital, the premium horticultural brand, a Garden of Wonders is presented. As specialists in scientifically formulated fertilisers that provide the best solution to your plant care needs, Sowvital complemented their original range of essential fertilisers by launching a collection of tools and accessories, designed to sit in perfect harmony in the home and within one’s plant care routine.