If there’s one thing everyone can agree upon about owning a dog, it’s that they become family. DNA My Dog is a tool that helps pet owners learn everything about their four-legged family members, and the packaging helps make the device entirely less intimidating. Designed by Zulu Alpha Kilo, the fun colors paired with dog imagery and a pattern representing a sense of connecting the dots leans into the joyful life that only dog owners learn to love.

Why do they tear apart my furniture? Or love barking at birds? And what’s with all the farting? DNA My Dog is a genetic testing company helping pet parents answer their burning questions. For their rebrand, we connected the dots between DNA science and dog breed traits, to deepen the bond between pups and their people. Our design system simplified genetic sequencing into dots combining photography with pattern, to connect the dots of a dog’s quirks and the DNA that makes them that way. Our design system spanned a new logo, packaging, test results, website, photography, and iconography.