BeanBANG’s Sleek, Eclectic Chocolate Packaging is Proof Minimal Design Can Be Fun


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Who says a uniform look has to be boring? China’s lowkey design helped the chocolate brand BeanBANG makes an excellent argument for consistency with their smart, fun, science-inspired packaging. Each star-speckled chocolate from around the world comes wrapped in a different color, featuring a card that spotlights an ingredient in the blend, while simple red and white, clean lines, and timeless serif hold the whole thing down.


BeanBANG is a bean-to-bar chocolate brand that combines coffee and bakery, introducing imaginative and creative new taste experiences to everyone.BeanBANG combines “Bean,” representing coffee and cocoa beans worldwide, with “BANG,” evoking the sound of collision. By exploring the unique flavours of cocoa beansBeanBANG hope to bring us a spark of imagination and a moment to share.