Hunt Adkins created the packaging design for CBD brand Verist intending to set the brand apart from the overly crowded market. A bright red primary color instantly differentiates the brand from the endless sea of green packaging. Additionally, the collage-style artwork showcases the vintage medicinal roots of CBD’s natural abilities.
River Valley Hemp Co. was a small, family-farm grown CBD brand that wanted to make a bigger entrance into the CBD marketplace. The problem was, lots of other brands were already there. With CBD available everywhere from head shops to pet shops to gas stations and grocery stores—and education about its effects being minimal—consumers were easily confused, and rightfully so. To help River Valley succeed, we needed to help them find a look that would stand out from the crowd and a purpose that would instill consumer confidence.
Made with hemp grown and processed by hand on a fourth-generation family farm, River Valley already had an advantage over many other brands that source their hemp from corporate farms and make their CBD in factories. To highlight the honesty and transparency innately present in the brand, we started by giving it a new name, quite literally rooted in truth: Verist. For the branding and packaging, we chose red as the primary brand color, helping Verist products to stand out boldly online and on shelves where the dominant CBD packaging color is green.
Because Verist CBD is made to help people re-discover their joy, we brought in bright colors and collage-style artwork, leveraging vintage anatomical and medical drawings to tap into the idea of CBD as an emerging natural remedy. The tone of voice for the brand is down-to-earth and conspiratorial, inviting consumers in by speaking like a trusted friend.