Alon Shabo is an Israeli pastry chef and has become one of Tel Aviv’s food scene leaders, specifically in the pastry world. Because Shabo has such a strong focus on the minimalist aesthetics of his desserts, it makes sense that the packaging design wonderfully represents the art of his craftsmanship. Ark Visual designed the pink-hued containers, and they, as much as the pastries, feel like an elegant treat.
Alon Shabo’s work is marked by a connection between the creation of desserts and their aesthetic design. For him, dessert is a work that combines design and craftsmanship with minimalist aesthetics, like a garment crafted in haute couture. To create compositions, he uses techniques of repetition, organization and color graphics. The packaging was designed with this philosophy in mind. It stands as an art piece, full of personality, captivating the customer, complementing the interior design, and making a strong impact on the public space.