DENSE: The Hair Growth Experts With Packaging That Reflects It


Hair loss is something no one wants to deal with, yet when it does happen, finding a trustworthy brand can be difficult. KISS Branding worked with DENSE to create a packaging system that reflects an uplifting and confident aura. The white packaging paired with black type and a yellow cap mirror the brand’s assured attitude, allowing consumers to trust the brand fully.

Editorial photograph

Hair loss in men, a taboo subject, off the cards as a conversation for many and if at all brought up usually sugar coated in toxic banter. The media fuels this with exposing headlines off celebrities, footballers and royals, analysing each follicle on their head. By the age of 35, two thirds of men will suffer from hair loss. That’s 2.6 billion men globally with hair anxiety. Early signs can be noticed as soon as your 18th Birthday. Dense Hair Experts decided to do something about it. Founders Ash Hashmi & Mo Ahmed experienced hundreds of devastated men coming into their hair loss clinics for expensive hair transplants. Many unaware of preventative treatments that could have been used to maintain their existing hair for longer.