NuGen Packaging And Semaine Health Has A Mission In Mind



When we were introduced to Semaine, they had a mission in mind…Sustainable Packaging for their women’s health supplements. The package would need to protect their product, so exceptional performance barriers were not an option. Raising the stakes, it was important that the packaging look fabulous all the while making sure it was ecologically and socially responsible.

We immediately thought of Aluminum bottles that they could print instead of label, and a 100% PCR closure in keeping with their sustainable goal. We explained that the aluminum bottle could be infinitely recycled. For every ton of aluminum recycled, the savings are 14,000 Kw/Hr of energy, saving 270 cubic feet of landfill space, and 6,545 liters of oil. When compared to Glass Bottles (Recycled at ~39.6%), Plastic Bottles (Recycled at ~20.3%), Aluminum is the clear winner at an ~45.2% recycling rate.