P.F. Flyers Come Roaring Back with a Charming, Nostalgic Redesign from Bokeh


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You could argue that the almost 90-year-old sneaker brand P.F. Flyers never went anywhere, but they had a bit of a branding snafu a few years ago when they tried to relaunch in an almost entirely new direction. After longtime devotees thought they’d lost the plot, Bokeh helped the brand go back to the drawing board by playing up the best parts of their legacy, like their dynamic trademark serif, classic circle logo, and sporty, earthy colors.

While P.F. Flyers’ redesign seems at least partially inspired by 20th century nostalgia, there is something fairly timeless about a good high-top sneaker. Bokeh didn’t change much about the box, but the oversize logo gives the experience some modern flair—not to mention a touch of novelty when the lid cuts the wordmark in half.